Add device to a project

Inside a project that you are the project owner of (you created the project yourself):

  1. Click on manage resources on the right of your project page. Click add new device under the tab devices.
  2. Fill in the necessary details and click on save.
  3. Click again on the device icon, now you can see its unique ID

Note: This will only be possible for the project owner.

Specific to using this device with an IoT dataset:

To make use of the device and let it actually send and receive data from/to for example and IoT dataset in Data Foundry, replace the "api-token" with your the unique ID with the following in your line of code:"api-token", "");

If you have not yet implemented the example code for this in your code, go to the configuration tab and copy paste the right example into your code. Note: its important to not only change your device ID, but also to create a unique name and channel. More on this can be found here.